After School Respite

Mercer County Locations
After School Respite care is a program created to help parents that work longer hours than their children are at work, so that the child can be cared for and the parent can work.

Elementary and High School ASR children (ages 3-21) will attend the program at Mercer Elementary School (MCSSSD) 1020 Old Trenton Road Hamilton, NJ. Program is open to all Mercer County residents including Hamilton Residents. Priority Enrollment to children that attend Mercer County Special Services School District. 

Passaic County Locations 
children (ages 3 - 21) that live in Paterson can attend programming at The Heritage Center 685 E 34th St, Paterson, NJ 07513.  

We now Service Clifton, NJ and Elmwood Park, NJ at our Passaic County Location with transportation from school!!

Would you like to register your child

for After School Respite?

Download and fill out the following Form and return it to us

by email or fax.